If you have not already completed the inStream asset class wizard once, your existing firm allocations will be changed and you will need to re-create all previously created firm allocations.
You have the option to keep your existing returns as they currently are or to include the 2019 average returns.
Option 1:
If you wish to keep existing returns (no change)
- Do not complete the asset class wizard
Option 2:
If you want to update the returns to include 2019 average returns
- Sign in as Administrator
- Click on “Settings”
- Click on “Asset Classes”
- Click on “Add/Delete Asset Classes”
- You are now looking at the asset class wizard. Complete the asset class wizard and Save. (If you have completed the asset class wizard before there will only be 7 steps to complete. If there is “Step 8 of 8: Create Default Allocation”, this means you have not completed the asset class wizard before and all existing Firm Allocation Models will be changed to the default model created here.)
Here is a video on how to complete the asset class wizard:
Please reach out to inStream Support with any questions.
Support Line: 1-800-444-1115 ext. 3