
Cash Inflow Report

inStream offers additional reporting to help you better analyze the output and and gain a deeper understanding of the results before presenting  the plan to your client.  

The cash inflow report presents a breakdown of all incomes (inflation adjusted) over the life of the plan and provides you additional detail behind the numbers shown in the cash flow summary report. 

In the example below, you can see that the $24,000 of income in 2020 comes from Social Security.  

To add the Cash Inflow to your output follow these steps:

1. Select your plan then select "View Output"

2. In report builder, make sure "Cash Flow" is added to your report then  click on the + sign beside "Cash Flow"

3. Check the "Cash Inflow" checkbox to include the table in the report.


For more information

Cash Flow Report

Enhanced Cash Flow Report

Cash Outflow Report

Account Table Report


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