
Default Tax Settings

Using marginal tax brackets in your clients’ plans is quite simple.

To start, go to the Settings tab then click on Default Taxes. Here you can check the default brackets for filing Single or Married, as well as add/edit brackets, and view your firm settings.

Edit Brackets

Click on the New Tax Bracket in order to add or edit a bracket. You can change the tax rate, as well as the range of each bracket. After making changes, be sure to click Save. 

View and Reset to Firm Defaults

To view what your firm uses for tax brackets, click on the Firm Default Rates link. This is helpful if you’ve made changes to your default brackets and want to reset to what your firm uses.Resetting to Default Firm Tax Brackets

In the tax bracket screen (single or married), simply review the brackets and click the blue reset link if you wish to change your default brackets to what your firm uses.Editing Tax Deductions

To change the default tax deduction, click on the Tax Deduction tab. Here, you can change the default annual deduction amount for filing Single or Married. You can also adjust the default annual inflation rate of the default tax deduction. After making adjustments, please be sure to save your changes.

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