Access the Tax Glide Path
When working in a client’s Profile, go to the Taxes tab on the left navigation bar. In the Tax Glide Path section, you can choose which incomes to include in the client’s tax glide path.
Using the Tax Glide Path
The Tax Glide Path is used to determine which incomes to use when calculating marginal taxes for a client. This is important as a plan may not require certain incomes, however, you may want to reflect a more thorough view of income taxes in the plan. From this screen, you can choose the filing status of the client, adjust the inflation rate, and select which incomes to use when Marginal taxes are turned on in a plan. It’s essential that your client’s Income section be complete in their Profile order to use this feature effectively.
View Income Table and Edit Annual Deductions
From the Tax Glide Path screen, you can also click on the View Income Table.
Editing Annual Deductions
When Viewing the Income Table, you can see information on a per-year basis. You can also edit the per-year deduction. This gives you the ultimate flexibility to control the amount of your client’s annual tax deduction, in their financial plan. After you make changes, please be sure to Save.
If you want to reset all deductions to use your defaults plus your default tax deduction inflation rate, simply click on the refresh icon in the header of the Deduction column.