To add an Education goal, go to the Profile tab and select Goals.
Under Goals, select Education then click Add a New Education Goal.
In the education goal section, enter the name of the education goal, select the person the goal applies to then click the Search Institution button.
In the Institution Name/Institution Fees Search window, while you are entering the name of the higher education institution, you will start to receive suggestions. Not sure how much a student’s tuition costs right now? If you know the school name or the institution type, inStream can help you out. inStream is connected to the U.S. Department of Education and can pull in data to help plan your client's education goals.
Select the name of the institution and to the right of the Fees, select the box then click the Add Tuition & Fees button.
Once you have picked an institution type, the tuition and fees displays.
- Enter the Room & Board amount, Enter the Annual Amount
- Enter the Start Year and End Year
- Enter the Inflation Rate then click Save.