To add a liability, go to the Profile tab and select Finances.
Under Finances, select Liabilities then click Add a New Liability.
- Enter the name of the liability
- Enter the Initial Amount and the Balance Due
- Enter the Value as of date
- Select the category of which your liability falls under, Loan or Expense
- Select the Loan Type, Mortgage Type and the Owner
Go through filling out the rest of the information for your liability. Depending on the category that you select, you will see different fields appear. For example, if you are entering a mortgage, you will have Mortgage Type as a drop down option. Alternatively, if you had selected the category as an Expense, you would see different types of expenses. Click Save once everything has been entered.
Note: When entering a mortgage, you have the ability to auto-calculate the balance due and monthly payment. The "balance due" and "Monthly Payment" will adjust based on the duration and interest rate entered for the Mortgage.