
Creating Firm-Wide Allocation Models

If you want to create your standard allocation models so that all users can always access the same models, then first you must login as an Administrator.


Click on the Settings tab, then the Plan Settings tab. Next, click on Add New Allocation.


Name the model, as you like.


Use the +/- buttons to expand and collapse the asset classes. Then enter the allocations per asset class.


After you’ve set the allocation weights, you can save the model, which will calculate the model’s expected risk and return values.

If you want to overwrite the allocation model’s risk and return values, you can do that. Just click on the Use Custom Values checkbox.   This is totally optional, and useful if you want to use your own capital market assumptions. Also, don’t forget to input the model’s expense ratio.


If you choose to Use Custom Values, then you’ll need to enter the model’s Average Return and Standard Deviation. The Annualized Return is for report purposes only, and inStream will calculate the annualized return based on the other values that you enter. 


Remember to save your edits, and you’re all set!

Now, this model will be shared across all users in your firm.

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